There aren’t many small problems in cybersecurity. Most of them are big. Things like client-side attacks, ransomware, denial of service, zero-days and phishing cause you long days, sleepless nights and represent major risks to your organization.
And when you set out to protect your organization from attacks, you discover that there aren’t many small solutions either. Addressing the seemingly endless priorities in defense takes up a big share of your time and budget. Sometimes solutions protect you from one problem only to cause another, like adding massive amounts of management overhead to an already overtaxed team or causing disruption to business process. Installing, optimizing and maintaining them is a big effort.
JavaScript sandboxing to protect your website — the easiest thing you’ll do all career
So when you turn to protecting your website from the big cybersecurity problem of client-side attacks like formjacking, digital skimming and credential harvesting, you can assume that you’re in for it.

“Now what?” you ask. “More alerts to monitor? More continuous tuning of the solution? A new team focused on client-side? More variables affecting performance?”
It turns out that it doesn’t need to be that way. Source Defense delivers a solution to client-side attacks that just might be the easiest thing you do to solve a major security problem in your entire career. Source Defense’s unique approach to JavaScript sandboxing offers web app client-side protection that doesn’t take up a big share of your time and budget or cause big maintenance problems.
In fact, our customers tell us, “As far as easy wins in information security, Source Defense is a gem.” Already implemented across some of the world’s largest websites; protecting hundreds of millions of monthly page views; stopping attacks and preventing billions of compliance policy violations, Source Defense is a solution to a major problem that doesn’t place additional strain on your team.
Extending website security to the client and browser
Source Defense is built on simplicity. It uses real-time sandbox isolation to prevent client-side attacks that originate in the digital supply chain your site depends on. These attacks take advantage of the first and third party JavaScript running on your customer facing sites.
You place our tags into the headers of the web pages running the JavaScript you want to protect, then accept policy recommendations as necessary. Instead of placing additional burden on you for implementation and maintenance, Source Defense takes the lead in continually monitoring and updating its protection. Using a combination of machine learning and human intelligence, it ensures that your users and customers enter their information on your site without fear of exploits like digital skimming.
Because security products have a reputation for introducing problems, we’ve designed Source Defense to play well with others. It offers a complementary line of defense to the measures you’ve already put in place, such as your web application firewall (WAF), content security policy and sub-resource integrity. Source Defense works with your existing security solutions to extend your security perimeter to the client.
Not just detection – but prevention!
As you start to look at solutions in the web app client-side protection space, you may want to talk to the folks at Gartner. They recently covered the space in their Application Security Hype Cycle and are predicting that mass market adoption is just a couple of short years away. In their analysis they get a lot of things right – but they miss the mark with some of their advice on what to seek out in a solution. They advise that you look at approaches that detect/monitor JavaScript and identify/alert/report on malicious or abnormal behavior.

As you take a look at the vendors in this space, you’ll see that the majority of tools available can monitor and alert on potential malicious code in JavaScript running on the client side. But are they the answer to the problem or are they going to create more problems for you to deal with?
While it’s certainly better to know about a threat than not, these tools don’t prevent attacks from happening. They simply detect. The onus is then on your teams to investigate every alert, determine whether it represents a true threat, and remove the malicious code.
This could result in massive overhead in responding to alerts, many of which will be false positives coming from abuse of power by your third parties. We’ve seen millions of examples of non-malicious incidents which would trigger solutions that detect and alert – meaning you’ll either be drowning your existing teams even further or needing to add dedicated resources at a time when finding people is a major challenge. It is a step forward from where you are today – and there are times when detection only might be a good first step, but prevention by default is the ultimate solution to the problem. You may be able to stem the bleeding, but you’ve not prevented the attack from occurring – so despite noble intent and your investment, the risk to your organization isn’t fully mitigated.
Go with prevention and with a solution that doesn’t add any additional burden to your already over burdened security teams.
Next step
Customers tell us they’ve learned a new way to spend their nights and weekends: relaxing. “So easy and works so well,” they say, “that it’s unconscionable for an information security professional to not have Source Defense in place.”
For a big win with little effort, find out how easy it is to implement JavaScript sandboxing with Source Defense. Request a demo to see Source Defense in action for yourself.