Real-time Proxy Sandboxing |
Proxy | CSP | SRI | Scanners | |
Key Logging | Only Detection | ||||
Sensitive data Screenshots (PII) | Only Detection | ||||
Network Monitoring | Only Detection | ||||
Block Outside Network | Only Detection | ||||
CSS Changes | Only Detection | ||||
Formjacking | Only Detection | ||||
Cookie Takeover | Only Detection | ||||
Clickjacking | Only Detection | ||||
Easy to manage | Application Dependent |
No Partner Blocking | Application Dependent |
Keeps Page Layout Intact | |||||
Hard to Bypass |
Companies Per Solution
= | ||||
JS Proxy – is a method that can be utilized in the browser that allows an overwrite of some of the JS prototypes, for example, you can overwrite the input.get.value prototype and decide if you want to allow it or not.
Security considerations
Though JS Proxy allows for a much more granular control, it will prove less than effective when a whitelisted or “trusted” 3rd party provider is breached and is leveraged to spread malicious code. This is due to the fact that JS proxy is fairly easy to bypass, in simple terms; what was overwritten by the page, can be overwritten again by the hacker.
If a whitelisted 3rd party is hacked, they can import a “clean” prototype and simply use it instead of the proxied prototype.
Complications introduced by implementing and maintaining JS Proxy
JS Proxy is a powerful tool for website protection and data management, but will also introduce some complications and challenges that might result in loss of revenues and exhaustion of valuable resources:
- Time to market – using JS Proxy means that any added 3rd party script will have to go trough an R&D process of identification and whitelisting of a lot of its actions. This will create a cumbersome, long, and tiering process for both R&D and marketing and will affect the time to production of any new provider; it will also cost greatly
in R&D resources. - Possible loss of abilities – any action blocked by the proxy might cause that script to stop working, on occasions, identifying these issues might take days or even weeks, during that time important functions are lost.
- Resources – managing JS Proxy on your site will require constant examination of new 3rd party tools, keeping track of the different 4th parties and constant updates of your website on any new 3rd party added or, any 3rd party remove.
Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. These attacks are used for everything from data theft to site defacement to distribution of malware.
CSP makes it possible for server administrators to reduce or eliminate the vectors by which XSS can occur by specifying the domains that the browser should consider to be valid sources of executable scripts. A CSP compatible browser will then only execute scripts loaded in source files received from those whitelisted domains, ignoring all other script (including inline scripts and event-handling HTML attributes).
Security considerations
Though CSP and SRI might mitigate some of the risks of XSS, they will prove less than effective when a whitelisted or “trusted” 3rd party provider is breached and is leveraged to spread malicious code. This is due to the fact the CSP will only affect the page itself, but not the whitelisted elements of 3rd parties, specifically; iFrames.
If a whitelisted 3rd party is hacked, they can gather any information from any area of the page, transmit that to a foreign iFrame they create coming from their domain, and, since that iFrame is not under the CSP policy, use that iFrame to transmit that data anywhere else.
Considering the above, the recent hacks on British Airways, Ticketmaster or the [24]7. ai breach, would not have been prevented by this technology.
Complications introduced by implementing an maintaining CSP
CSP is a powerful tool for website protection and data management, but will also introduce some complication and challenges that might result in loss of revenues and exhaustion of valuable resources:
- Time to market – using CSP means that any added 3rd party script will have to go through an R&D process of identification and whitelisting of a lot of its actions. This will create a cumbersome, long, and tiering process for both R&D and marketing and will affect the time to production of any new provider; it will also cost greatly in R&D resources.
- Possible loss of abilities – since any new domain must be whitelisted beforehand, any change done by a 3rd party in their internal domains (for example, a new CDN) might cause that script to stop working. On occasions, identifying these issues might take days or even weeks, during that time important functions are lost.
- Partnerships – many 3rd party vendors support partnerships with additional vendors which allows them greater efficiency and higher ROI. These partnerships will usually be triggered by different user profiles and may change based on multiple factors, making impossible to predict.Since CSP required any 4th party domain to be whitelisted, most 4th party partnerships will most likely be blocked. Though this is not visible when examining the behavior of a 3rd party on the page, it will affect the bottom line of that partnership, especially with DMP’s, remarketing tools and specialized campaign aid tools.
The following disclaimers shall form an integral part of the Competitive Landscape in connection with the Company’s product – VICE (“Product”). This Guide is the exclusive property of the Company. Any information provided to you under this Guide is provided “As Is” and the Company makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, that your reliance or use of such information will be error-free or defectfree. The Company specifically disclaims all implied warranties, including without limitation, any warranty of noninfringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or statements regarding suitability for use with third party’s products / services to the maximum extent permitted by law. You shall not use this Guide or any information thereof in any manner which is not in accordance with: (i) the provisions of the Guide, and/or (ii) the instructions that may be provided from time to time by the Company (each case shall be referred to as “False Use”).
You agree and confirm that the Company will not be liable for damages of any kind, direct or indirect, caused to you or anyone on your behalf in connection with any reliance on the information provided under this Guide or due to any False Use. Without derogating from the above, the Company will not be liable for any loss of use, lost data, failure of security mechanisms, interruption of business or any direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any kind (including punitive damages or lost profits), regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise.