What should you do—and make sure to avoid—to deliver fair and successful onsales? How do you create a stellar customer experience? We talked with six online ticketing experts who share their 9 secrets for success.

Where’s a more exciting place to be than the ticketing industry?

The global ticketing market is ballooning. Global online event ticketing, which covers live music, sports, and movies, is projected to reach $67.99 billion by 2025 with annual growth of 4.8%.

But the dynamic nature of ticketing means it’s critical to keep up to speed on where ticketing experience trends, your customers, and your competition are headed.

And how do you learn about the latest trends and connect with industry leaders? Tradeshows.

We just got back from a whirlwind of an INTIX conference in New York City. The conference brings together all aspects of ticketing: venues, event managers, and technology providers. All these professionals have unique perspectives into questions like:

  • What factors go into making successful and fair onsales?
  • How do ticketing organizations create a stellar online customer experience?
  • What’s the biggest myth in ticketing and live entertainment?
  • How does the push towards an “experience economy” impact ticketing?

So, while everyone was gathered in the Big Apple, we took advantage of the opportunity and spoke to several industry experts to get their insights. We’ve boiled them down into 9 do’s and don’ts in online ticketing.

Read the rest of the blog here.

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