Don’t Wait – Get Moving Now on eSkimming Security!
There are more than 50 new requirements in PCI DSS 4.0. That’s a lot to worry about and a lot to get ready for in just a short period of time. Realistically, with an impending Q4 code-freeze, you have the next six months to tackle it all.
The eSkimming security controls required under 6.4.3 and 11.6.1 should be at the TOP of your list. The good news is that you can get these changes out of the way inside 90 days if you get working on an action plan this quarter!
Source Defense protects more than 1,000 of the world’s leading brands, our solution has been reviewed by CoalFire and VikingCloud, it is trusted by hundreds of the world’s QSACs and it was purpose-built to be easy to test, rapid to deploy, cost-effective and virtually management free.
Let us help you get these new requirements off the list with our proven 90-day action plan!
Even if you don't take a look at Source Defense - this session will help you get on the path to compliance!
What will you learn?
Source Defense is the pioneer in eSkimming Security. We brought our solution to market in 2016 at the dawn of the eSkimming threat. We are a PCI Principal Participating Organization and have spent the past year helping the biggest brands get ready for PCI DSS 4.0. We have a proven track record of getting clients through their 6.4.3 and 11.6.1 projects at lightning speed – we can help you!
Watch the Webinar and
Download the 90-Day Plan
Why You Should Watch the Webinar and Download the Plan
✔ A Full Understanding of Scope
CoalFire recently chimed in with a whitepaper discussing the true scope of 6.4.3 and 11.6.1. This important analysis helps remove all ambiguity behind what you need to do as a merchant, what your QSA will be looking for, and what the roles of your partners in the PSP and eCommerce Platform world will and won’t be. We’ll give you a full run down!
✔ Pitfalls of “DIY” and Things to Avoid
Like many organizations, you may be assessing a DIY solution. We consistently encounter clients who have tried, spent valuable time and resources, and concluded this isn’t the right route. Let us arm you with the knowledge you need to bring a clear understanding of the pitfalls to your internal conversations.
✔ An Immediate Assessment
Source Defense has made it possible to immediately begin assessing your current environment to understand the scope of your particular issues. We will walk you through our Free Compliance dashboard – which we can provision for you in near real-time – and give you visibility you need to drive this project.
Don’t leave your e-commerce payment security to chance. Watch the replay, download the plan and take the first step towards a more secure online payment process.
About Source Defense
As a PCI Participating Organization and the pioneer in eSkimming security, Source Defense played a role in the development of new requirements for web security found in PCI DSS 4.0.
We’ve helped thousands of the world’s leading brands address these issues. We’ve also been educating merchants, QSAs, PSPs, eCommerce Platform providers and virtually every stakeholder in PCI compliance on the vulnerabilities in modern website design that make eSkimming attacks possible. We’ve made it our misison to provide guidance around ambiguity in the standard; advise on the pros and cons of approaches provided by the council and we recently launched a free assessment, monitoring and management solution for both merchants and their QSAs.